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- HI resolution
- ST computer
- ART utility
- By
- M.J.Langley'88
- HISTART is a high quality, high resolution art utility. I have
- attempted to include all the standard features plus others which I
- personally like, or are very practical from Power BASIC, in which this
- utility is written. One such feature is the powerfull RAYS feature, which
- I found very immpressive when I tried it on MEGABLIT in XOR mode (also, if
- you use RAYS in XOR mode on top of the grey (Desktop pattern), then you
- get a good effect).
- There are a few imperfections in HISTART: the lack of a magnify
- mode:- impossible from BASIC (and I can't afford either an assembler, or
- Hisoft BASIC to combined the two (sympathy please!)), also the copy/paste
- options contain no manipulation abilitys (such as rotate, etc.), again not
- possible from BASIC, and also the arc, pie slice, and filled pie slice,
- are very inaccurate-probably because all the numbers dealt with are small
- numbers with rounded decimal points, but the end result is multiplyed by
- about 570!!!!
- The features of HISTART are:
- 4 possible drawing and blitting modes,
- work on 2 screens at once,
- ram load/save,
- merge 2 screens in 4 possible ways,
- copy part or all of the screen into a buffer for duplicating etc.,
- text in combinations of 5 fonts,
- pen and line thicknesses of up to 51 pixels,
- 6 types of line (dot,dash etc),
- 3 end/start of line styles,
- 37 styles of fill plus user defined fill,
- loads and saves DEGAS files (by means of displacement from start of file),
- seeded fill,
- paints in fill pattern in specified width of up to 640 pixels.
- filled rectangles and rounded rectangles, filled ellipse, and filled
- pieslice with or without perimeters,
- rectangles,rounded rectangles,ellipse,pie slice, arc, and line and pen,
- realistic, random air spray, with diameter of up to 400 pixels,
- rubber,
- add dots to specified area- avoids unrealistic solid white or black areas,
- fill marked irregular area,
- clear specified rectangle,
- invert specified area,
- plus more...
- Options are made from a dragable bar of icons (press right button to
- drag it), most of which have obvious functions. Left clicking normally
- enters mode, and right clicking normally allows you to set things, such as pen width. Here are brief
- descriptions of the icons from left to right:
- Pen: left clicking puts you in pen mode.
- right clicking lets you set the pen width.
- Line: left clicking puts you in line mode.
- right clicking lets you chose which line mode,and what type of
- line, etc.
- Arc: left clicking puts you in Arc mode.
- arcs are drawn by rubber boxing an ellipse and then marking a
- point on the perimeter, and a 2nd one. An arc is drawn along the
- circle anticlockwise from point 1 to 2.
- Circle: left clicking puts you in circle mode.
- Square: left clicking puts you in rectangle mode.
- right clicking lets you chose right angled or rounded rectangle
- mode.
- Pie slice:left clicking puts you in pie slice mode.
- pie slices are drawn like arcs.
- The next 3 icons put you in the respective filled mode.
- But right clicking on the filled square lets you chose filled right angled
- rectangle or filled rounded rectangle modes.
- Fill: lets you enter seed fill mode.
- Spray can:left clicking puts you in air spray mode.
- right clicking lets you set size and rate of spray.
- Brush: left clicking puts you in brush mode.
- right clicking lets you set brush width.
- Rubber: left clicking puts you in rubber mode.
- Outlined1:left clicking puts you in copy mode.
- Outlined2:left clicking puts you in paste mode.
- Clear: left clicking puts you in clear area mode.
- right clicking clears the screen.
- Invert: left clicking puts you in invert area mode.
- right clicking inverts the screen.
- Cut fill: lets you set the user defined fill.
- Fill Area:lets you mark out an irregular area to fill.
- Text: left clicking, puts you in text mode(point, type, ENTER).
- right clicking resets all the font choises.
- Various letters: lets you toggle the fonts.
- Eye: removes the pointer and iconbar. press space to return.
- Palette: left clicking lets you toggle the color.
- right clicking lets you set the fill perimeter status and mode.
- UNDO: Undoes the last operation.
- Shadow: left clicking lets you swap screens.
- right clicking allows you to RAM load/save (both operations use
- the same buffer).
- Disc: left clicking lets you save your screen.
- right clicking lets you load a new screen.
- Exit door:exits the program.
- To find out how to use these options properly, experiment. Just
- remember that most drawing options require you to drag a rubberbox, but
- lines are normally rubber banded. Experiment!!!
- I hope to produce manu more hires programs including a configorable
- sreen dumper, lowres to hires-grey-scale screen converter, DTP, PacMan,
- etc. And I intend to revise HISTART to include a magnify mode etc. All
- this is home work, and revision permitting.
- Good drawing,
- M.J.Langley.
- PS. For details of the associated programs: iconed.app, gallery.app,
- setgal.app see the corresponding .doc file.